AAU Comparators

The University of Oregon receives less state support per full-time equivalent student than most other public Association of American Universities (AAU) institutions.

State Appropriations per Resident Student and Resident Tuition and and Fees among AAU Publics, FY2022 (bar chart)

Bar chart showing AAU publics on the x-axis and dollars on the y-axis. Resident tuition and fees are shown on the bottom of each bar and state appropriations on the top. A total is also given.  UO is the second lowest on the chart (above only University of Colorado Boulder). UO resident tuition and fees in FY2022 were $14,421 and state appropriations were $7,401, for a total of $21,822.  For more details, message dsharp@uoregon.edu

State Appropriations per Resident Student and Resident Tuition and and Fees among AAU Publics, FY2022 (scatter chart)

A scatterplot shows the State Appropriations per Resident Student and Resident Tuition Fees among AAU Publics.   State Appropriation per Resident FTE is shown on the y axis and Resident Tuition and Fees is shown on the x axis.   University of Oregon is the second lowest on the chart (only above University of Colorado Boulder).   University of Oregon's Resident tuition and fees are $14,421 and state appropriations are $7,401.   For details, message dsharp@uoregon.edu

State Appropriations per Student FTE among AAU Publics (FY2022)

Horizontal bar graph showing State Appropriations per Student FTE among AAU publics in FY2022. The average is $10,701. The UO is the second lowest on the graph, with $3,934 (only above the University of Colorado-Boulder which receives $3,163).   For details, message dsharp@uoregon.edu
1. Penn State University and University of Pittsburgh are excluded from the table because Pennsylvania has alternative state funding mechanisms.
2. The Student FTE corresponds to a 12-month FTE.
Source: IPEDS Finance (FY2022) and Enrollment (FY2022).





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