Comparators for Big 10 Publics

The University of Oregon receives less state support per full-time equivalent student than most other public Big 10 institutions.

State Appropriations per Resident Student and Resident Tuition and Fees among Big 10 Publics (FY2022) - bar graph

Note: The numbers in the bottom of each bar show resident tuition; the numbers in the top of each bar show state appropriations; outside the top of each bar is the total received for each resident student. 

Bar chart showing name of Big10 public colleges on the x-axis and $ on the y-axis. Resident tuition and fees are shown on the bottom of each bar and state appropriations on the top. A total is also given.  UO is the lowest on the chart. Resident tuition and fees are $14,421 and state appropriations are $7,401, for a total of $21,822.  For more details, message


State Appropriations per Resident Student and Resident Tuition and Fees among Big 10 Publics (FY2022) - scatterplot graph

Scatter graph of state appropriations per resident student and resident tuition and fees among Big 10 Publics. State Appropriation per Resident FTE is on the y axis of the graph and Resident Tuition and Fees is on the x axis.   The University of Oregon is the lowest on the graph, with resident tuition and fees being $14,421 and state appropriations being $7,401.  For details, message


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