On this page, there is information about the following:
Mandatory Enrollment Fees
Mandatory Enrollment Fees consist of the following:
- Building Fee: The Building Fee is used to fund the construction and provide debt service for capital projects, primarily those associated with student centers, health centers, and recreational facilities.
- Health Service Fee: The Health Service Fee is used to support student health and counseling services. Students enrolled in UO Portland programs use the Portland State University (“PSU”) Student Health Center and pay the same Health Service Fee as PSU students.
- Recreation Center Fee: The Recreation Center Fee is used to fund the construction, debt service, maintenance, and operation costs of the student recreation center.
- Student Union Fee: The Student Union Fee is used to fund the construction, debt service, maintenance, and operation costs of the student union.
- Technology Fee: The Technology Fee helps the University make important investments to maintain and improve the core infrastructure our technology relies on, and to stay abreast of rapidly changing technological advances.
- Incidental Fee: The Incidental Fee supports activities that provide for the social, cultural, educational and physical development of students. Incidental Fee recommendations for Academic Year 2021-22 were approved by student committees and forwarded to the President for endorsement in accordance with UO Policy III.03.03. A portion of the Incidental Fee paid by undergraduate students who enrolled prior to summer 2022 is redirected, by agreement with the ASUO, to the Erb Memorial Union. Find more information on the ASUO site.
The first five of these fees are herein referenced as the administrative mandatory fee set. The Incidental Fee is not part of this set.
Campus-Based Fee Structure
Students enrolled in Eugene campus courses are required to pay all mandatory fees. Students enrolled at the Portland or Charleston campuses, or at an off-campus site, do not pay Recreation Center or Student Union fees, and they pay 50% of the Incidental Fee. Students in a Portland program are required to pay Portland State University’s Health Service Fee and students at the Charleston campus pay UO’s Health Service Fee. Students at an off-campus site do not pay the Health Service Fee. For the purpose of assessing fees, students enrolled in only online courses pay the Off-Campus set of fees. Non-admitted students do not pay the Health Service Fee.
Fee | Eugene | Portland | Charleston | Off-campus | ONLINE ONLY |
Building | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% |
Health Service | 100% | PSU Health Service Fee | 100% | — | — |
Recreation Center | 100% | — | — | — | — |
Student Union | 100% | — | — | — | — |
Technology | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% |
Incidental | 100% | 50% of I-Fee | 50% of I-Fee | 50% of I-Fee | 50% of I-Fee |
All Other Fees
Other fees include all charges, fines, and fees that are neither tuition nor mandatory enrollment fees. The Board, the President, or designee may establish these fees and use them for services, facilities, operations, and programs.
Matriculation Fee: The Matriculation Fee is a one-time fee charged to newly admitted students upon enrollment. This one-time assessment was developed to reduce the large number of enrollment-related fees. The fees are also used to support academic programming for Freshman Interest Groups and other learning communities. The Matriculation Fee is assessed on all new and transfer students (undergraduate and graduate). If you have questions about the Matriculation Fee, see the FAQ page.
- Differential Tuition: Schools and colleges may charge tuition by course or program when special circumstances exist. These circumstances may include, but are not limited to, an extraordinary cost of offering the course or academic program (e.g., need for specialized equipment and supplies; accreditation standards; delivery methods). Setting tuition by program assigns a per-credit price for all the core courses in an academic program, whether or not the student is degree-seeking within that program.
- Undergraduate International Student Fee: The University sets the Undergraduate International Student Fee to provide a set of services and programming to support international students, including students enrolled in the American English Institute (“AEI”) program. The fee supports services related to academic support; enrollment services; increased immigration compliance and reporting as required by the federal government (such as SEVIS II); personal and cultural counseling and advising; and accelerated planning and delivery of new programs. The fee amount is shared below.
- Laboratory and Course Fees: Generally, laboratory and course fees are limited to fees for equipment, materials, field trips, or ancillary services consumed by the student as a part of course instruction where the equipment or material is not readily available for purchase through a private source. Fees can also cover one-on-one or small group physical education, music and dance instruction. Laboratory and course fees must be published.
- Online Course Fee: All online courses have an additional per-credit fee, which gives students access to a suite of services, including a chat/call center for expedited assistance, extended help desk hours for technical support, and exam proctoring services.
- Other Charges, Fees, and Fines for Services, Facilities, Operations, and Programs: The level of charges, fees, and fines should be at least sufficient to ensure recovery of associated direct and indirect costs. Some charges, fees, and fines may be established at a level to deter conduct that is contrary to University policies and standards or applicable law. Charges, fees, and fines are for purposes such as the following: auxiliary services such as housing, food services, and parking; use of facilities; athletics and other tickets and events; and violation of policies and standards, such as late fines for library books and parking fines. These charges, fees, and fines are reviewed, updated, and published annually through a process administered by the Office of Budget and Resource Planning (BRP) office. In extraordinary situations, the University can alter existing fees or propose new fees outside of the annual approval process, via an interim review process. Certain charges, fees or fee schedules are adopted without following the BRP process. They include things such as charges relating to symposiums, conferences, short courses, food, books or other retail goods, prices of admission to athletic, entertainment or cultural events or advertising rates in student or institutional publications.
- Application Fees: The President or designee determines application fees. The University may assess greater application fees for admission to selected programs or schools. The relevant application fee must be received before the application will be evaluated. Application fees are not refundable.
Undergraduate Application Fee Waiver: The President or designee may, upon request, waive the application fee for first-time freshmen or transfer students who, at the time of application, demonstrate high financial need, as evidenced by:
- Participation in a free or reduced school lunch program;
- Pell-eligible status provided on FAFSA-related documents;
- Involvement in TRIO-type college preparatory programs (e.g., Upward Bound, Talent Search, EOC, HEP);
- State of Oregon or U.S. public assistance;
- Submission of a College Board, NACAC, or Foster Youth Tuition and Fee waiver; or
- Other factors illustrating financial hardship, at the discretion of the Office of Admissions.
No applicant will be granted a fee waiver unless they are determined to have genuine financial need. Prospective students who are classified as international applicants are not eligible for an application fee waiver. However, undocumented Oregon high school students who are potentially eligible for the state’s Tuition Equity Program can be granted a waiver on a case-by-case basis. The Office of Admissions administers the application fee waiver program, and its Director may add, remove, or modify methods of confirmation as needed over time.
To request an application for Application Fee waiver, go to: https://admissions.uoregon.edu/undergraduate-application-fee-waiver-program. The student must complete the form and, as appropriate, obtain needed signatures to confirm her/his status.
Graduate Application Fee Waiver: The Division of Graduate Studies offers graduate application fee waivers and discounts for applicants who meet specific criteria. You can find more information about eligibility and the application process here.
Law School Event Fee. A one-time Event Fee is assessed on all new and transfer Law students, to cover Commencement-related costs.
International Student Insurance. University of Oregon international students and their accompanying dependents are required to have health and accident insurance which meet the University of Oregon requirements (OAR 571-04-015). International undergraduate and graduate students registered for the current term will be automatically billed for the cost of the UO insurance plan. Spouses and unmarried children under the age of 19 are also eligible for coverage under the UO insurance plan, provided the eligible student is covered by this insurance.
The premium for the plan will appear automatically on your tuition bill unless you have other insurance that meets certain requirements (and have completed the required waiver). Please refer to the University of Oregon Health Center page for more details. (See also: Office of International Affairs. International law students should also consult the School of Law about this plan).
Undergraduate International Student Fee
International undergraduate students are assessed a $200 fee per term during the regular academic year and a $150 fee in the summer term.
Course-Specific Fees
Course Fees cover instruction-related services such as materials consumed by a student as a part of the course or required field trip costs. To determine which courses might have course fees, use the Course Fees by Fiscal Year to view the lists of all approved course fees.
You can also look up specific classes in the Class Schedule; if there is a green "$" in the "Notes" column, the course has a course fee for that term. (See example below). Click on either the Notes or on the underlined CRN for that class to view the course fee amount.
Example from "Classes Found" results list:

Example from "Course Data" page:

Self-Support Course Fees are charged for some courses instead of the typical tuition/fees listed above.
When you use the Class Schedule to select your courses, look for a footnote of "T" in the "Notes" column. Click on either the Notes or on the underlined CRN of the class to find the amount of self-support tuition being assessed for that course. (See example above). If any of your courses are self support, you need to make sure that you add the self-support amount listed to your total cost -- but don't count those credits as part of your tuition and fees.
Tips For Avoiding Other Fees
- Check your UO e-mail account regularly for your student billing alerts. Business Affairs will e-mail you at your uoregon.edu e-mail address to remind you about due dates for your university account. Be sure to log into DuckWeb and pay your account on time to avoid late charges.
- Register for your classes on time to avoid late registration fees.
- Register your car and/or bike. Park where you should to avoid parking fines and towing fees.
- Return your library books on time to avoid late book fines.