Understanding the Costs

UO Tuition and Fees

University of Oregon tuition and mandatory fees are based on residency classificationstudent classification (undergraduate, graduate, etc.), the number of credits enrolled, major, and the first term enrolled. Course-specific fees may also apply. For additional required fees, refer to the Class Schedule. Read more about mandatory enrollment & course fees.

Some UO coursework is designated as self-support or study abroad. These courses have their own tuition structure designed to cover the direct and indirect cost of the course. Specific tuition for self-support courses and study abroad programs is not covered by this document and such courses are not part of the tuition structures described here.

Undergraduate Students in a Tuition Cohort




2020 Cohort

Summer 2020 – Spring 2021

Spring 2025

2021 Cohort

Summer 2021 – Spring 2022

Spring 2026

2022 Cohort

Summer 2022 – Spring 2023

Spring 2027

2023 Cohort

Summer 2023 – Spring 2024

Spring 2028

2024 Cohort

Summer 2024 - Spring 2025

Spring 2029

Beginning summer 2020, the University of Oregon transitioned to a Guaranteed Tuition Program under which undergraduate (or non-graduate post-baccalaureate) students' tuition and fees are locked in for 5 years. Both tuition and mandatory enrollment fees (other than the Incidental Fee) are included in the guaranteed structure. The Guaranteed Tuition Program is mandatory.  Learn more about the Oregon Guarantee, including exceptions and exclusions. 

For students in a tuition cohort, the UO guarantees tuition and administratively controlled mandatory fees will be the same for the five-year period that extends from the summer term that begins cohort and ends with spring term, 20 terms later.  Similarly, rates for each administratively controlled mandatory fee will be locked for the same five-year period. To learn about the tuition and fees that apply to you, select your tuition cohort from the table above.

The assessment of administratively controlled mandatory fees may vary based on whether a student is studying on the Eugene campus or another location. Students studying in Portland have access to Portland State University’s (PSU’s) Health Service and are assessed the PSU Health Service fee instead of the UO Health Service Fee. The PSU Health Service Fee rates are not part of the guarantee/locked for the five-year period and will be assessed according to the specific rate structure set by Portland State University. See the Mandatory Enrollment and Course Fees page for more information.

Differential tuition is included in this guaranteed tuition structure. Laboratory and course fees are not included in the guaranteed tuition structure.

For each additional year a student remains enrolled beyond the end of their cohort's five-year guarantee, tuition and administrative mandatory fees will revert to the tuition and fee levels of the next tuition cohort.

For example, new students who enrolled in the 2020 tuition cohort but who continue beyond spring 2025 (the end of their cohort) will be assessed the same tuition and administratively controlled mandatory fees as the 2021 tuition cohort. Likewise, if they remain enrolled in fall 2026, they will be assessed the same tuition and fees as the 2022 tuition cohort, and so on.

As long as a student from a tuition cohort is an undergraduate or non-graduate post-baccalaureate student, they remain in their tuition cohort. Students from a tuition cohort who are accepted to and enroll in a graduate program are no longer in their tuition cohort and will pay graduate tuition as described below.

The fixed tuition and administrative mandatory fee guarantee for a tuition cohort is for five years with the following exceptions:

  • Withdrawal from the University for U.S. Military or Other U.S. National Defense Services. Students who are called to active duty in the United States military as a result of national emergency or as a result of the mobilization of the reserve forces, including the National Guard, and re-enroll at the university within one year after the completion of their active military service will be entitled to resume their five-year guarantee for the amount of time remaining in their guarantee at the time of their military withdrawal. The student must submit a petition to initiate the extension.
  • Extraordinary Circumstances. Students who believe the circumstances of their situation merit an extension may appeal to the Office of the Registrar. Because the fixed-tuition guarantee is for five years, non-military exceptions will rarely be granted.

Note: All undergraduate students who first enrolled at the UO prior to summer 2020 ("undergraduate continuing students") had their tuition increases locked to 3 percent per year for up to four years, beginning with fall 2020. After spring 2024, any remaining "undergraduate continuing students" who continue to be enrolled as undergraduates will be part of the 2020 Tuition Cohort during FY25.

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Graduate Students

Tuition for graduate students is determined by program. All graduate students also pay a set of published mandatory fees, which are available in a fees table on the graduate tuition and fees page.

Law School Students

Tuition and fees for Law School programs vary by program. For information on the tuition and fees for the Juris Doctor (JD) and Master of Laws (LLM) programs per semester, and the Conflict and Dispute Resolution (CRES) Master's program per term, see the Law Tuition page.

Law Program Tuition & Fees

Non-admitted Students

Non-admitted students are charged tuition and mandatory fees at the most recent undergraduate tuition cohort rate for undergraduate level courses (100-499) and current graduate rates for graduate level courses (500+). 

Non-admitted students’ tuition and fees are calculated based on their residency classification and the term of enrollment, along with the level of courses in which they enroll (undergraduate or graduate). Refer to the Non-Admitted Student Tuition and Required Fees table in the 2024-25 Tuition and Mandatory Fees document for details.

Other costs of attendance

Housing & Living Expenses

If you are living in University Housing, you will be assessed room and board charges according to your contract. More information about room and meal plans can be found on the University Housing Room and Meal Plan Costs page, and more information about general living expenses can be found on the Student Financial Aid and Scholarships website.


The UO offers a variety of options for obtaining required books and other course materials. New textbooks and course materials at the Duck Store are discounted 10%, and used books are 25% less than the new discounted price. The Duck Store offers a book list service(link is external) (mobile friendly), where students may create "booklists" online which will provide the ISBN of the textbook as well as the discounted price and any other format options (digital, rental, etc.). Students may use the book information provided to compare prices with other vendors such as Amazon and Half.com. Textbooks and other materials may be purchased online at The Duck Store and picked up at the store for no additional cost.

The UO Library offers Course Reserves, where instructors may place library- and instructor-owned books, videos, audio recordings, and other relevant materials on reserve for students. Books can be checked out for up to 24 hours at a time (depending on instructor) and videos may be borrowed for up to 3 hours.

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